When I was evaluating my Alela EDH deck, I came across many good brews on different deck building websites. The top ranked Alela EDH decks on these sites can be quite different from each other, so I thought it could be interesting to discuss the best rated Alela decks from four popular deck builder websites.
Alela has synergy with artifacts, enchantments and flying creatures. All of the decks listed (ab)use this in one way or another.
Table of Contents
1. Moxfield – Alela Stax Value
Views: ~10K
This cEDH stax build tries to slow down and lock out our opponents with card like Rule of Law and create value with Alela’s ability at the same time. Eventually you want to knock out your opponents with an army of faeries through combat damage. Since the creator intended this deck for cEDH tables, two staple infinite combos are included as well, which can be fetched with some tutors.
Win Condition
- Combat damage with faerie tokens (after locking out opponents)
- Heliod, Sun’s Crowned + Walking Ballista (infinite combo)
- Demonic Consultation + Thassa’s Oracle (infinite combo)
2. Deckstats – Alela Faerie Tribal
Views: ~5K
Deckstats: Alela Faerie Tribal
This brew very clearly chooses to follow the faerie tribal route. We’re running around 20 faerie creatures and tribal pump effects like Obelisk of Urd and Etchings of the Chosen. The rest of the deck is filled up with some draw, ramp or other value enchantments and artifacts to synergise with Alela’s ability. Two infinite combos are included as well.
Win Conditions
- Combat damage with faerie tokens (with faerie anthems like Glen Elendra Liege)
- Pili-pala and Grand Architect (infinite combo)
- Deadeye Navigator and Peregrine Drake (infinite combo)
3. Archidekt – Upping the Average
Views: ~13K
Archidekt: Upping the Average – Alela, Artful Provocateur
On Archidekt the top ranked Alela EDH deck is a deck made by EDHREC‘s staff. They take an Alela deck with the most played cards amongst all Alela decks and make improvements to it. The results is a typical Alela deck. It is enchantment/artifact focused with just 8 creatures and of those enchantments and artifacts most are token pump spells, artifact ramp and enchantment draw effects.
Win Conditions
- Combat damage with faerie tokens, using anthems like Heraldic Banner, Thunderclap Wyvern etc.
4. Tappedout, Enchantress of the Fae
Views: ~19K
Similarly to the Moxfield EDHREC deck, this no-creature deck runs almost exclusively artifacts and enchantments that ramp, draw or pump your faerie army. The biggest difference is 1. the inclusion of some stax Enchantments like Blind Obedience and Ghostly Prison and 2. it runs even less creatures, only two.
Win Conditions
- Combat damage with faerie tokens, using Coat of Arms and locking out opponents with stax.
Final Thoughts
When evaluating these decks we can roughly distinct three archetypes:
- Control with enchantment stacks
- Faerie tribal running faerie creatures and pump effects
- Enchantment+artifact, building a wide token army
Infinite combos are sometimes included, but they’re never really the main or only win condition.
An interesting finding is that none of these decks focus purely on artifacts or purely on enchantments. By focusing on one of these archetypes it’s possible to get a lot of value from cards like Vedalken Engineer or Mesa Enchantress. On the flip-side you lose the versatility of running both enchantment and artifacts.
Hopefully this gave some insight on today’s top ranked Alela EDH decks and gave you some inspiration for your own brew. If you have any thoughts or comments let us know.