Best Board Wipes For EDH
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Best Board Wipes For EDH

In this article we list out the best board wipes in EDH for each color. We conclude our list with the best multicolored sweepers in the format. We’re naming the best three, since most EDH decks don’t run more than that. We will update this list whenever WOTC decides to release new board wipes that we feel make the cut for this best-of list.

Updated: 15/05/2023

White Board Wipes

  1. Farewell‘s 6 CMC is on the higher end, but it is absolutely worth it. Firstly it exiles and secondly the flexibility to choose any mode can sometimes leave parts of your board state intact while wrecking your opponent’s.
  2. Exiling all creatures for 5 mana already makes Sunfall an extremely strong and unique effect in MTG. To top it off you are left with a big X/X creature, depending on how many creatures were exiled. Printed in March of the Machines it is the newest addition on this list and one of the best board wipes in EDH.
  3. I have seen Vanquish the Horde being cast for just two white mana time and time again, which is unbeaten for this effect. Unlike most board wipes, we will have enough mana left to rebuild our own board after casting this.

Blue Board Wipes

  1. Cyclonic Rift is the salt bomb that everyone hates and loves. And no, it is not overrated, just put it in your deck if you access to it.
  2. Flood Of Tears doesn’t see much play, but if you’re in mono blue and need additional sweepers it is a great contender. Being able to cast your biggest CMC thread for free after wiping your opponent’s boards can have game swinging consequences.
  3. When our opponent is ahead and swings with everything they have, Aetherize can be a really nasty surprise. And what’s great about all these blue sweepers is that returning to hand will go through indestructible, the downside being of course that they can recast from their hand.

Red Board Wipes

  1. Blasphemous Act is the best red board wipe in EDH and for good reason. It will often cost just one red mana and it is devastating for wide creature board states.
  2. Chain Reaction will generally clear the board for 4CMC, which especially great in a mono red deck.
  3. Starstorm‘s instant speed is what makes it such a great card. We take the advantage by leaving our mana open and sweeping the board just before our turn begins.

Black Board Wipes

  1. Toxic Deluge is the best black board wipe in EDH. It is 3 CMC, scalable and hits indestructible creatures. A staple in any EDH deck that’s in black.
  2. Just like its white twin Wrath of God, Damnation is the classic board wipe in EDH that all other board wipes are measured towards.
  3. Decree of Pain is an amazing late game card: clear the board and get a fresh hand of cards. This can mean a huge swing in your favor. Additionally, if you need to cast it early you can use the cycle mode, great versatility!

Green Board Wipes

  1. We love Bane of Progress. Creatures are usually harder to counter, meaning that this monster is likely to resolve, granting you a giant sized beater at the same time. Other options are available such as Rampage of the clans, but this card has the downside of granting your opponents a lot of power on the board.
  2. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Back to Nature is just an uncommon. For two mana you get an instant that destroys all enchantments. This is nothing to scoff at, and usually catches most opponents with their annoying value pieces (hello Rhystic Study) completely by surprise.
  3. Green offers a lot of board wipes against flyers. A notorious example being Whirlwind. Granted, Hurricane does not destroy all flyers but does offer the option to tailor this spell to your needs. In green you are often in the position to make mana for days. Opponents will not see this coming when you delete them with a giant X costed spell, which are normally reserved for Red. Also, do note that you can suicide with Hurricane too, if you know after you an opponent will seize the game anyway!
  4. Honorable mention: Ezuri’s Predation

    Look, paying 7 mana for a sweeper for creatures is not something we want to be doing most of the time. However, if you are in Mono Green and do not like to play artifact or colorless boardwipes (see our article here) then Ezuri’s Predation presents you with a decent option. If you happen to be in a token deck this card becomes a lot more attractive too…

Multicolored Board Wipes

  1. Supreme Verdict‘s 4CMC makes it as good as Damnation or Wrath of God, with the added benefit that it cannot be countered. Since board wipes are often targeted by counter spells, this is a huge upside.
  2. Culling ritual won’t get rid of everything, but you will be able to cast it for free or even net some mana. It’s especially great if your deck is not running too many 2 drops.
  3. If you’re in Mardu colors, Ruinous Ultimatum is an auto-include most of the time. A one-sided board wipe like this is unique and I have seen games getting won by this card. 7CMC is even pretty cheap for one of the best board wipes in EDH.

Colorless Board Wipes

  1. A 7CMC board clear that only hits colored permanents doesn’t sound great. But if you run All is Dust in the right deck it can be fantastic. Of course it is a no-brainer in colorless decks, but you should also consider this if you for instance have a very artifact heavy deck or are searching for enchantment removal in colors like black or red. Also note that it sacrifices, which is always a plus.
  2. Similar consideration apply when considering Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. And just like All is Dust, Ugin is very good at removing stubborn threads like indestructible enchantments or creatures.
  3. This classic Alpha card is still relevant as an EDH board wipe today as it can deal with almost all threads. You need to wait a turn in order to activate it which is an obvious downside. However, if you have ways to untap it or recur it, its value becomes apparent.