Best Dominaria Remastered Reprints for EDH
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Best Dominaria Remastered Reprints for EDH

In this article we have broken down the best Dominaria Remastered Reprints for EDH. This limited-run set brings exciting reprints of some of the most beloved staples in our format and the release is planned for January 13, 2023.

Before digging into the cards, we’re hooking you up with this table to keep track of the current prices, compared to what these cards costed back in December 2022.

Dominaria Reprints

ColorCurrentDec 2022
Mystic Remora$4.90$7.02
Test of Endurance$3.71$10.02
Sneak Attack$5.30$13.16
Sylvan Library$18.60$34.97
Urza's Incubator$26.21$29.40
Time Stretch$3.85$14.99
Vampiric Tutor$29.35$38.21
Worldly Tutor$10.08$24.67
Force of Will$50.89$88.62
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician$14.53$30.49
No Mercy$8.83$19.95
Urza, Lord High Artificer$9.10$46.64

Mystic Remora

For one blue mana, Mystic Remora will often award us with more than one card on its first turn cycle since nobody ever has payed the 4 mana tax. That is already great value for one blue mana and if you decide to pay the upkeep cost it will only get better. To cut it short, one of the best blue card draw effects in EDH is being reprinted in 3 brand new versions!

Test of Endurance

A nice alternative wincon for your EDH lifegain deck. This card only had one printrun in Judgment back in 2002 and is probably a little overvalued, so expect this one to drop significantly!


The best graveyard tutor effect in Magic’s history to date. Indispensable in your The Mimeoplasm or Meren of Clan Neltoth deck. It has seen some reprints in the past but hopefully Dominaria Remastered can cause a price drop.

Sneak Attack

Super fun red card that enables you to drop some heavy creature bombs for only 1 red mana. You have to sacrifice it at the end of your turn and although there are ways around this with for instance Marchesa, the Black Rose, it’s already a great card on it’s own.


If your deck runs enough lands and enough effects to draw into those lands, Exploration can become a real powerhouse. If you’re running a landfall theme it becomes an auto-include.

Sylvan Library

This is an insane green draw effect and should be in almost every deck that is in green. The card selection and draw that this card gives us is just unmatched for only 2CMC. It was last reprinted in Commander Collection Green back in 2020, but looking at the current price it is nice to have a new reprint.

Urza’s Incubator

Great card to accelerate your tribal game plan. The Incubator especially likes being in decks that run big creatures bombs, like Eldrazis and Dragons. The price of this card has slowly increased for the last couple of years to where it is now, hopefully Dominaria Remastered can change that. It has been upgraded from rare to mythic however, so don’t put your hopes up too high.

Time Stretch

Apart from Teferi, Master of Time, this is currently the only card that grant two extra turns. An extra turn is possibly the most powerful effect that exists in EDH. This hasn’t seen a reprint in 15 years let’s hope for a friendlier price.

Vampiric Tutor

Together with Demonic Tutor often named as the best tutor in the EDH format. Although it has seen reprints in the last couple of years, it will always need more because of its high demand. And if we look purely at card popularity through‘s card ranking, Vampiric Tutor is Dominaria Remastered’s best reprint for EDH.

Look no further if you want the best in slot option for tutoring up artifacts or enchantments. The price of this card is at an all time high so if you want it, it’s better to wait for the new reprint to hit the market.

Worldly Tutor

A great creature tutor that can be used for digging up your Craterhoof Behemoth in your green stompy deck. There are alternative options for creature tutoring in green, but especially when the price goes down more we would consider picking this up.

Force of Will

This card has the highest price on this list, and it is a colossal price for a card that is not on the reserved list. The reason that Force of Will is so expensive is probably because it is a staple in many blue Vintage and Legacy decks. A free counterspell is great and you won’t regret putting this card in your decks that run enough blue, but be wary that the value weighs up against its current price point.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

A very strong mono black Commander that comes with the full aristocrats package stapled onto it. It has been reprinted often but the price remains high due to its popularity in Commander.

No Mercy

A great card to lock out those creature heavy opponents. It is definitely a niche card however, so try to figure out if it works in your meta before obtaining a copy.

Urza, Lord High Artificer

Ever since its release in 2019, Urza has been one of the most popular mono blue commanders ever printed. A perfect pick for combo and artifact players. At it’s peak it costed around $80 and luckily it has dropped down a lot from there. Let’s see if Dominaria Remastered can bring it down some more!

In this article we have broken down the best Dominaria Remastered Reprints for EDH. Don’t forget to check back on the prices after the set release from time to time if these included some interesting picks!