The 15 Best Tutors for EDH - EPIC EDH
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The 15 Best Tutors for EDH

If you enjoy playing EDH, you may find that creating a powerful deck that can impress your playgroup members can be quite a challenging task. One of the keys to success in EDH is consistency, which can be achieved through the use of powerful tutors. Tutors are cards that allow you to search your library for specific cards and add them to your hand, making your deck much more consistent and giving you more control over its strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 15 best tutors for EDH that can help you take your deck to the next level and improve your chances of victory.

15. Eldamri’s Call

Eladamri’s Call is a white green sorcery card that allows you to search your library for a creature card and put it your hand. Simply an excellent choice for creature-based EDH decks if you’re in these colors.

14. Diabolic Intent

Diabolic Intent is a powerful tutor that allows you to sacrifice a creature to search your library for any card and add it to your hand. This card is particularly useful in graveyard-based decks that rely on sacrificing creatures, as it allows you to not only dig for the cards you need but also get rid of a creature that would otherwise go to waste. It’s a versatile card that can be used in a variety of EDH decks, especially those that focus on recursion and sacrifice strategies.

13. Idyllic Tutor

Idyllic Tutor is a three-cost white sorcery that enables you to search your library for an enchantment card and add it to your hand. Its effect is simple but reliable, making it an excellent inclusion for decks that prioritize enchantments, including pillow fort decks and those that rely on potent enchantment-based combos.

12. Imperial Recruiter

Imperial Recruiter is a red creature card that allows you to search your library for a creature card with power 2 or less and put it onto the battlefield. This tutor is an excellent choice for decks that rely on small but powerful creatures, such as goblin decks or decks that focus on aggro strategies or get extra value from casting creatures. Its ability to put the creature directly into your hand can be a game-changer in the right situation. And don’t forget that there are many extremely powerful creatures with power 2 or less – hello Dockside Extortionist.

11. Entomb

Entomb is a black sorcery card that allows you to search your library for a creature card and put it into your graveyard. While this may not seem like a powerful tutor at first glance, it can be an excellent choice for decks that rely on graveyard recursion or reanimation strategies, like The Mimeoplasm. It can also be used to set up powerful combos with cards that interact with your graveyard.

10. Green Sun’s Zenith

Green Sun’s Zenith is a green sorcery card that allows you to search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost X or less and put it onto the battlefield. This tutor is an excellent choice for creature-based EDH decks that rely on fast and efficient creature summoning. Its ability to search for creatures with a specific mana cost makes it a versatile card that can be used for fetching different sorts of creatures, like a mana dork in the early game or a big finisher later on.

9. Finale of Devastation

Beloved in creature-based decks this green sorcery card allows you to search your library for a creature card and/or put a creature card from your graveyard onto the battlefield. It can also gives all your creatures +X/+X and haste until end of turn, where X is the mana spent to cast the spell. This tutor can be a game-ender in the right situation, allowing you to retrieve a powerful creature from your graveyard and attack immediately with all your buffed up creatures.

8. Diabolic Tutor

Diabolic Tutor is a black sorcery card that allows you to search your library for any card and add it to your hand. This tutor with its 4CMC may seem basic compared to some of the other cards on this list, but it is still just an extremely powerful effect if you think about it. Especially if you’re on a budget, consider this card if you want your deck to become more results-focused. Whether you need to find a creature, a spell, or an artifact, Diabolic Tutor can help you get what you need.

7. Gamble

Gamble is a red sorcery card that allows you to search your library for any card and add it to your hand, but at a cost. You must first discard a card at random, making Gamble a risky but potentially powerful tutor. This card is an excellent choice for red EDH decks looking to get more consistent and to our knowledge one of the best EDH tutors in red.

6. Worldly Tutor

Worldly Tutor is a green instant card that allows you to search your library for a creature card and put it on top of your library. This tutor is an excellent choice for creature-based EDH decks that rely on specific creatures to execute their strategy. The one CMC of this card is what makes it stand out so much, an absolute auto-include in Green creature decks.

5. Enlightened Tutor

Enlightened Tutor allows you to search your library for an artifact or enchantment card and add it to your hand. This tutor is an excellent choice for decks that rely on powerful artifacts or enchantments to execute their strategy, such as equipment-based decks or enchantment-based pillow fort decks. Its instant speed and one mana cost makes it earn a place amongst the best tutors in EDH.

4. Mystical Tutor

Mystical Tutor allows you to search your library for an instant or sorcery card and add it to your hand. This tutor is an excellent choice for blue EDH decks that rely on powerful instant and sorcery spells to control the board or execute their strategy. Its a staple card in many blue EDH decks and pro tip: you can fetch ANY other tutor with this if you’re looking for something else than an instant or sorcery spell. For instance:

3. Grim Tutor

Grim Tutor is a black sorcery that allows you to search your library for any card, at the cost of 3 life and 1 black mana. This tutor has the potential to greatly increase the consistency of your deck and find exactly the card you need to turn the tide of a game. While 3CMC seems like a lot compared to some cards in our list, the ability to find any card in your library is incredibly powerful, and well worth the cost. Grim Tutor’s effect actually comes very close to the number 1 spot in our list, but our top pick is just straight up overpowered. Grim Tutor seems more balanced, but if you had to choose, we would recommend going for our number 1 pick instead.

2. Vampiric Tutor

Vampiric Tutor is a black instant card that allows you to search your library for ANY card and add it to your hand, but at a cost. You must pay 2 life to cast the spell, which especially in EDH is no hassle. What more is there to say about this? This is where black starts to earn its title as the absolute best color for tutors in EDH and magic as a whole.

1. Demonic Tutor

The undisputed king of tutors, Demonic Tutor is a black sorcery that lets you search your library for any card and add it to your hand. It’s the best tutor for EDH, and a staple in many competitive decks. Some people prefer Vampiric Tutor because of its instant speed and 1CMC, but putting a card directly into your hand is just insane and absolutely worth the extra mana.