Best Blue Removal Spells In EDH
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Best Blue Removal Spells In EDH

Blue is known for its counterspells, we all know this. But besides counterspells, Blue also has various other tricks up its sleeve! Below you will find our top 10 best spot removal options for Blue in EDH.

This article lists out the best spot removal cards, check this article if you are looking for the best board wipes in EDH.

1. Resculpt

Flexibility is everything in EDH. The ability to choose an artifact or creature on a two mana instant is amazing. The fact that this spell also exiles is also significant. Exiling is just strictly better than destroy effects. These two factors combined grant Resculpt the top place in our ranking. The drawback of Resculpt is granting your opponent a 4/4 vanilla creature. However, normally this will be well worth the tradeoff!

2. Chain of Vapor

A 1 mana instant to bounce any nonland permanent to owners hand. Wow. This spell is highly versatile as you can also target your own nonland permanent if needed. When you use this spell on an opponent’s nonland permanent, they can sacrifice a land to copy the spell and find a new target. However as we all know sacrificing lands is something you only do when the situation is really dire. A beloved CEDH staple, this is one of the most efficient forms of blue interaction.

3. Snap

You can bounce any creature (including your own) and untap two lands, making this instant effectively free of cost. If you untap lands that tap for more than 1 mana (Hello there, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx) you are living the dream. Versatile and prone to deliver disgusting advantage, we like Snap!

4. Capsize

If you have ever sat across an opponent with Capsize and a way to just pay or reduce the buyback cost (Mizzix of the Izmagnus for instance) you know the sheer power of this card. Capsize can bounce lands as well, mind you. An efficient piece of removal and scalable too, Capsize gets the job done!

5. Imprisoned in the Moon

Imprisoned in the Moon hits creatures lands and planewalkers. Need to get rid of that pesky Gaea’s Cradle? This card does it and does it well. The drawbacks are of course the lack of instant speed and the fact that as an enchantment it remains vulnerable. Still, Imprisoned in the Moon is so versatile that it rarely disappoints!

6. Ravenform

Ravenform exiles an artifact or creature and only grants the opponent a 1/1/ flyer. However, sorcery speeds hurts this spell. Of course you can foretell this spell and cast it on a later turn. Do note that Foretell follows the same rules as the card type itself – meaning you cannot cast this card on an opponent’s turn with Foretell.

7. Reality Shift

Exiling a creature for two mana is great. Of course not as good as White gets to do it, but still. The drawback of letting the opponent manifest a creature is usually easily worth it.

8. Suspend

This spells lets you exile a creature with two time counters on it. Two time counters is a long time, especially since our format gets faster and faster! If you time this instant correctly, it is devastating.

9. Rapid Hybridization / Pongify

A 1 mana instant to destroy any creature. An efficient piece of removal no doubt. However, as we all know there are drawbacks to merely destroying a creature as reanimator decks are usually only happy to find stuff going to their graveyard for instance. Still, a 1 mana instant can be a huge tempo swing. The drawback of grating a 3/3 frog / ape is rarely a problem.

Honorable mentions

This little drake is infamous at tables. Its power level is undeniable, however the price is rather restrictive, which is why it lands on the honorable mentions.

We all know Cyclonic Rift. The mode where you target just one nonland permanent easily lands it a spot on our list. However, we do feel that this card is mostly used as one side boardwipe, which is why we chose to put it on our honorable mentions.


As you see, Blue is not lacking in the removal department at all. Ranging from exile to destroy and steal effects, Blue offers a wide array of options for EDH. This top 10 is just a selection we made; there are more noteworthy Blue options for spot removal in EDH still. Thanks for taking a look at our take on today’s best blue removal spells in EDH! Contact us if you have any feedback.